Arthur Lyman - Puka Shells

I haven't listened to the whole Arthur Lyman catalog, but this is the first one I can recall hearing that featured vocals. The beautiful young Kapiolani solos on a couple of tracks and duets with Art on a couple more. If you've ever wanted to hear Mr Lyman sing, well here's your chance. I'll leave it at that. He can be heard on the opening track "Puka Shells" and then again on "Guava Tree."
All in all, about half of the tracks contain vocals. There are two killer exotica tracks included: "Legend of the Rain" and "Mystic Island." "Adios, Marquita Linda" is pretty sweet as well. This rip was done with virgin vinyl so it sounds pretty darn good.
Released in 1975 on GNP Crescendo.
EDIT: Oops! I see that I left the second track "Skybird" off of the first upload. Sorry! Here's that single track: here.