Mele Kalikimaka: A Hawaiian Christmas Party

This is a really neat little Kalikimaka themed album that I give you just in time for the holidays! Its yet another fake live album. The concept for this one is that we get to listen in on an informal hootenanny style Christmas jamboree hosted by Kent Bowman and featuring the Kamahameha Alumni Glee Club, the great Nina Kealiiwahamana, the legendary Hilo Hattie, the Maile Serenaders and Kent's own haole faux pidgin comedy.
The Kamehameha Glee Club tracks may be live but I'd bet your okole that all the other tracks are previously recorded and dropped into the "party" recording at the appropriate moments. It's like when you were a kid and you'd get out your tape recorder and record player (or CD player for the youngsters) and make tapes like you were a DJ; introing songs and engaging in silly banter. Same concept.
Kent Bowman's pidgin comedy would probably get him killed on The Rock if he tried it as a fresh new act today. Then again, Rob Schneider did something similar in "50 First Dates," however I don't know if he can now walk the streets of Honolulu without being in fear for his life.
FWIW: I nearly blew out my keyboard editing the mp3 tags when I got to "Spring Spends The Winter In Hawaii" by Nina Kealiiwahamana and Boyce Kaihiihikapuokalani!
I'm uploading two versions of this LP. Because of the party conversation that segues song to song, the album is essentially two long tracks. The first link contains the rip broken into twelve individual mp3s, one for each song, with fades where appropriate so that the songs can be used in other mixes. The second link contains just two mp3s representing each of the two LP sides.
Mele Kalikimaka!
heh, that's great - :D
I'm diggin' this one Kono - thanks!
Mahalo! It sure warms up Christmas in New York City!
Merci beaucoup ! Et Joyeux Noel !
Wow kind of cool, i have listen many cool old music cds and even now the newest music is really bad compared to the one of the old times.
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