Hilo Hattie - at the Hawaiian Village

Recorded Live in the Tapa Room of the Hawaiian Village Hotel.
Maybe you thought Hilo Hattie's was just a chain store?
From the liner notes:
Hilo Hattie has long been known as the "Clown Princess of Hawaii." For many years she has been spreading throughout the world her comedy versions of the lore and lure of the Hawaiian Islands. Although she is known and has been seen and heard by millions, this album is Hilo Hattie's first LP and it is sure to add many more fans to her long list of international followers.
This is her live comedy and music show opening for the Hawaiian Village Serenaders at the Hawaiian Village Hotel (later to be the Hilton Hawaiian Village).
Hilo Hattie performed live all over the US and was a regular part of the Harry Owens TV show (yeah, I never heard of it either). She also appeared in several movies including "Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki" and "Hell's Raiders." And, pssst...her real name was Clara Nelson.
This album is a fun little jaunt back in time to catch Hattie's slightly risque comedy live and in person with a room full of fellow haole tourists.
Sit back in your "noho" with a tall glass of "Okolehao" and imagine yourself in the Polynesian atmosphere of the colorful Tapa Room, and you will be ready to listen and enjoy this incomparable performance of Hawaii's own and beloved HILO HATTIE.
you been busy, brah!
Thanks for posting this amazing album... I mean, amongst a blog full of amazing albums!
Hattie was an icon when I grew up on Oahu in the early 1960s.
You missed one of her movie roles, though-she appears very early in "Blue Hawaii" in the scene where Elvis arrives at Honolulu Airport after getting out of the service. You can't miss her!
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